Cold Storage Construction

At DeHart Construction, cold storage construction is our specialty. We can build anything from a food processing plant with cold storage refrigeration systems to cold rooms to large cold storage warehouses. Cold storage construction is far more involved than most types of construction, as due consideration must be given both to the location of the cold storage facility as well as what types of products will be stored in them. Rather than using iron-clad templates for our cold room construction projects, we prefer to customize our work to the needs of our clients to ensure the highest possible levels of customer satisfaction and quality.

Because each and every one of our clients is unique, each of our storage construction projects is also unique. There is a big difference between a client who simply needs a cold room added on to an existing facility and a client who needs a cold storage warehouse built from the ground up. The needs of a client serving customers in Florida are also very different from those of a client located in Minnesota. A frozen food processing plant does not have the same needs as a dairy processing facility. At DeHart Construction, your needs are our first consideration. We do not try to sell you a cold storage facility you don’t need, but instead try to tailor our work to meet your present needs while allowing for future expansion of your facility.

In most forms of refrigeration construction, one of the most important things to be determined is the type of concrete floor that is needed for that particular facility. Concrete floors can be constructed and installed in many different ways, and it is important to match the concrete floor to the facility’s location and purpose. Installing the wrong concrete floor can spell disaster for the longevity of any project, but at DeHart Construction we will work closely with you to make sure that your cold storage facility has the right type of floor and the right sealing system for your needs.

Because cold construction is our specialty at DeHart Construction, we know and understand all of the details which must be carefully planned out and engineered through all the phases of each project. The type of product that is being stored directly affects the type of cold environment that is needed, and different temperature-controlled environments need different materials and even different construction processes in order to ensure their long-term viability. Far too many cold storage construction companies simply build the same facilities over and over again, and far too often those facilities don’t last as long as they should because they weren’t right for the needs of their clients. At DeHart Construction we make sure that the facility is built with your needs in mind from start to finish, ensuring that you have a long-lasting cold storage facility that is easily maintained and even expanded as your company grows.

Cold storage construction requires an incredible degree of precision, which is why you should always seek specialists such as DeHart Construction for this type of work. Our experience and knowledge of the construction process makes us the best choice for all of your cold storage construction needs. Contact us for an appointment, and we will take the time to thoroughly review the nature of project and give you our plan for building the perfect cold storage facility for your company.

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