Test Kitchens

Getting test kitchens set up and going can be a daunting task. One needs to design these kitchens with an eye to industrial needs, chief functions to be performed, and form. This includes storage. In a commercial kitchen, having ample food storage is a must. Cold storage is of chief concern, to maintain the integrity and safety of perishable consumables. Our cold storage consulting team can help your business create the build that fits your company’s needs and budget, without sacrificing style or quality.

Our whole business is cold storage. The type of cold storage needed in test kitchens truly depends on the kitchen’s purpose. If your kitchen is meant for product development, for example, then you may need ample refrigeration or freezing tables to blast freeze products, as well as a space to test for quality control. If your commercial kitchen requires the ability the store materials long term or at specific temperatures, then the freezers you include must be able to hold foods at those temperatures while at the same time being energy- and space-efficient. If you are not sure what kinds of equipment should be included in the kitchen of your business’s dreams, then contact us for help.

In a commercial kitchen’s design, you will likely need to allocate a fair proportion of your space for cold storage. Freezers come in a number of sizes and configurations, so you will want to make sure that you select ones that will suit your needs. You may also need space for ripening fruit and vegetables, or a cold room for special cooking applications. Our cold storage team has extensive experience in consulting and design. Our team includes architects, engineers, and top construction experts, as well as accountants.

The first step of your custom kitchen project is to familiarize ourselves with every aspect of your business. We listen to what your ideas for commercial kitchens might be, learn what your chief concerns and values are, and come together to create the perfect product for you. Our accountants work with you to crunch the numbers and to help you find resources to fund your test kitchen project. Our architects and engineers will ensure that your building is structurally sound, from the type of foundation chosen to the fixtures and insulation installed. All of this, while keeping you informed and seeking your input throughout the process.

Whether it’s test kitchens or cold storage warehouses, DeHart Construction is committed to providing our customers with the absolute best in service. Our professionals are just that: professional. We arrive on time, do more than what’s required, and do it all with pride. Our work has won praise and accolades. Please take some time looking through our site to see examples of our projects, and learn more about the services we provide to our customers. If you are in need of a kitchen, a cold storage warehouse, or some other type of cold construction project, call on the experts at DeHart.

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